Advisor services
Are you a insurance advisor tired of proprietary products? Want better payouts? Want practice management and marketing support? Want the best in technology? Want to own your own clients? Want to be your own boss? Want to build your practice with strategic partners that may help you build revenue centers to duplicate your advisor income? Want your own website and web marketing support? Want a non biased advanced case planning team with Lawyers, CPA's,at your fingertips and available for meetings? Learn how we can provide you a turnkey insurance / investment back room. We can provide you a transition team and support you.
I can personally share my story of going independent and tell you It was the best thing I ever did!! Not just for me .. but more importantly for our clients!
CPA and Property Casualty Insurance firms!! Seeking to grow your bottom line in the years to come with no cost to you? We can turnkey a financial services division with experienced financial professionals (proper licensing is required.) You can offer these services to your customers and possibly add revenue with no overhead costs to you. The revenue falls straight to your bottom line!! Couple of things to keep in mind, the more lines of business you have with your clients, the better your retention may be! Secondly, your clients are making decisions in these areas... many times bad ones! Why not provide them this service and help enable them to make better decisions .
We expect to go through the largest transfer of wealth this country has ever seen! Baby boomers are going to need assistance with how to retire. What is my exit strategy for my business? How can I secure my retirement income? One thing for sure ... in the next 25 years as the boomers pass through, they are going to need solid, INDEPENDENT, financial advice. Independent is the key word because no smart, sophisticated client wants biased advice!